Tell Legislators: TRUST YOUTH
Young people are leading the fight for abortion access. Trust youth to be the experts in their own lives.
Illinois’ forced Parental Notification of Abortion (PNA) is a law that harms young people. PNA mandates that when people 17 years old and younger decide to have an abortion, a healthcare provider must notify an adult family member at least 48 hours in advance of the procedure.
Though parents/guardians do not have to consent, PNA can and does put young people in danger. Research shows that youth who can tell their parents or caretakers do. But young people who don’t have those safe relationships have very real concerns about their well-being, and are the ones most likely to suffer harmful consequences.
We believe that young people deserve to be safe, affirmed, and healthy.
We believe that young people have the capacity to make decisions for their health.
We believe that we must TRUST YOUTH.
Youth are engaged. Youth are organized. And we are are all watching.
Help us put an end to forced parental notice laws. Join us!